Fast Forward.
Picture if you will, it's 2019... If a Dragon Dies in the Forest… ...and there's no one to mourn, will it still make a sound? It was that...
Fast Forward.
Finding My Niche
Rude Awakening.
In The Beginning...
I Can Show You The World...
Getting to Know Me (some more)...
Let Me Introduce Myself!
It's a New Dawn, a New Day...
What About the Leading Lady Challenge?
"Hey, How's It Goin'?"
Whose That Girl?
She Is Me, Fictionally Speaking
I Love You, Me.
She's Got The Look!
Who You Callin' a...
I'm In the Mood for Love!
I'm Too Sexy for My...
I'm Ready for My Close Up.
That Ain't How Beauty Works
Hey There Beautiful!