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I Hate Marketing.

There, I said it.

Current life situations and their emotional fall out have forced an awakening of sorts in my life. This awakening means I'm extremely aware of what doesn't work in my life. I've gone through these awakenings on and off since I was in my twenties so nothing new there with the exception that this one is on a much grander scale because the rest of the world is going through it with me.

My awakenings come with purges of varying types. Sometimes its a closet clean out, other times it's people I recognize as not being in my best interest, then other times its a combination of clothes, material possessions, people and behaviors that simply must go.

This go round, it started with people...well, one person in particular. Then the pandemic settled in and poof, the entirety of my life as I've lived it most of my 53 years in existence MUST GO. What has that got to do with Marketing? Glad you asked.

I paid an ass ton of money for a business course, another ton on a copy writing course, and yet more to buy domain names, set up a website, etc. I got back on (gag) Facebook, started an Instagram account, and will wonders never cease, "launched" a YouTube channel. I was all set to do what the 'experts' and 'gurus' told me I should do in order to succeed in business. And then what happened? I stopped "businessing" and instead fell into business paralysis because my soul knows doing things the way I'm "supposed" to doesn't work for me. It never has. I'm finally going to talk about Marketing. Thanks for sticking around.

Marketing, no matter how people dress it up, is basically a socially acceptable way to prey on people's insecurities. "hey there consumer, buy my widget it'll make your life so much better than it is right now / will make you better than you are now / will bring you everything you've ever wanted like love, friends, and money. Oh, and you gotta buy it now cause there are only two and they're on sale and you can't afford them otherwise, and you know someone else is going to get 'em if you don't and then you will have to hear about how much they loved it on social media and you'll be sad because you had a chance to do it but you didn't so now you're not cool any more...Oh, and did I mention it'll prevent your worst fear from coming true?...etc."

The whole entire process makes me cringe on a grand scale. And I refuse to do it. So, now what? How am I going to make any money if I'm not skilled at persuasion? Glad you asked. I'm going to talk to you like a normal human being. I'm going to talk about writing, my books, my coaching, and ask you to hire me and buy my books. That's it. Nothing fancy. No trying to convince you that my books are the best you've ever read, or that my courses and workshops will magically bring you fame and fortune (acceptance and love). Nope, just hey...this is me, here's what I offer, and this is the price I offer it at.

Think that'll work? Stick around, let's find out.

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