Ah...the infamous writer's lair. That magical place where a writer sits and produces their masterpieces. A common misconception of said lairs include a secluded cabin tucked away in the woods,
or a beautifully, book laden, room with lots of natural light and space to stretch ones legs when the words aren't coming as freely as the writer would like...
For those of us who are residing in less expansive dwellings, and or spaces that we don't own, creating a comfy, cozy spot in which we can birth our book babies can be a bit of a challenge. To that end, let me offer up a few simple ways to transform every day spaces into the perfect spot to write.
Living Room.
Someplace comfortable to sit. I like having the extension on the end of the sofa so I can put my feet up if necessary.
Something to write on. Whether you're using pen and paper, a laptop or tablet, it's a good idea to have a hard surface. I have a small lap-desk (dark brown square in pics above) that I can write on or use to support my laptop.
Writing utensils close at hand. I have a caddy I bout at Michael's (linked HERE). In it, I have every pen I own (except the one I keep by my desk, the one I keep by my bed, and the other one I keep in my car). I also have a host of other crafty / creative bits and bobs that aid in keeping my Muse entertained while I write.
Dining Room
Writing surface. Have space to set up your writing space. I'm single and live alone so it was best for me to ditch the dinning room table and set up a full-on work station. If you have and actually use your dinning room table for things like meals, I recommend having a writing set up that is easily removable when it comes time to dine.
Supply holder. A cup or tray will do. Again, make it something that's easy to move out of the way when it's time to eat.
Supplies such as a cup or tray for pens, hard drives, flash drives, etc. A document stand (example linked HERE) is a nifty add-on if you're transcribing notes from scraps of paper and such.
Something to write on. The lap-desk makes a second appearance here. Serves the same task as if you were in the living room. Also convenient but somewhat pricey would be to add one of those over the bed type desk situations (example linked HERE). Whatever you choose, you'll want to have something because balancing a laptop or notebook on your knees in bed can get tiring fairly quickly.
Back support. I use the multitude of pillows on my bed to prop myself up. I also have a wrought iron head board so it's not comfortable to lean against under the best of circumstances let alone whilst trying to get the day's word count completed. Even the cushiest of headboards isn't designed to offer the best in back support so definitely have something that will cradle you during your bed based writing sessions.
Good lighting. Sleep experts say your bedroom should be DARK if you want to get the best night's sleep. Makes sense but that typically means most people have soft, subdued lighting (if any) in their bedrooms. For those of us trying to squeeze in the writing whenever we can, having a bright, white light for your writing sessions is key. I use a lamp that mimics sunlight. Not only does it give me excellent light by which to write, it lifts my mood while I'm doing it. *I don't find it difficult to go to sleep once I'm done and have turned off the light but be aware there may be lingering effects on your mood and energy once the light is turned off.
This is by no means an exhaustive list and it definitely doesn't take into account if you share your space with other humans, but hopefully it gives you enough inspiration to carve out a space in your home to begin writing your masterpiece.
Speaking of which, please drop a pic of where you're going to be doing the bulk of your writing for NaNo down in the comments below. Would love to see what you put together.
And with that, this month's Prep-tober series come to an end. As always, I hope you found this fun and inspirational, and that you decide to come back. Next month it's all about finishing the first book in a planned trilogy, currently titled, Demon Protege. To learn more, be sure to check out next Wednesday's blog.
Have a fun and safe Halloween (if you celebrate it) and I'll see you next week.
Sending light & inspiration,